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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Face of the ROCOR Western Rite Vicariate

So many clergy have been received into the ROCOR recently that keeping up with their names, even, is a bit of a challenge. Much less has it been easy to come by portraits or photos of the new clergy. I was very happy to receive a photo of the Rev. Fr. John Vieages of Louisiana:

above: Rev. Fr. John Vieages, ROCOR Western Rite Vicariate

Many Years! Ad multos annos!

It goes without saying that by placing this photo of Father John here, under the headline of this post, I am not implying that Fr. John, individually, is the face of the Vicariate. That honour belongs not to Fr. John alone, but to all the clergy and all the faithful believers of the Vicariate. God grant them all a good success.

I hope to post more photos of our new clergy here, as available. To that end, reader assistance is requested. Just send me any photos at hieromonachusaidanus at yahoo dot com. Of course, there is a growing photo album on the Occidentalis website at:

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