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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Obit Diaconus Polycarpus, RWRV

From Pastoral Vicar Father Anthony (Bondi)

Dear Fathers,

It is with profound sadness that I convey to you the death of Father Deacon
[Polycarp] Robert (Sherwood) who passed away suddenly, about 1 p.m. this afternoon.

Father Deacon is survived by his wife Lillias. At the present time we do
not know more than this. As information becomes available I will pass it on.


Father Anthony
Pastoral Vicar


From Dom James, Abbot of Christminster:

The official funeral and internment of our beloved friend, brother and benefactor Robert Sherwood will take place on Thursday, 9 June 2011, at
St. Mark's Orthodox Church in Denver, Colorado.

On Saturday, at a time and place in Hamilton to be announced, there will be a non-religious memorial testimonial for him.

On Thursday at 10:00am, at Christminster, in the monastic church of Our Lady of Glastonbury, a Sung Mass of Requiem will be celebrated by Abbot James and the monastic community for the repose of his soul. We invite all his friends and colleagues to join us as we remember and pray for our departed brother and friend.

For further information on the Saturday memorial, please contact us later in the week.

In our Saviour,
Fr. James
Abbot of Christminster


Fr. Polycarp died of a sudden heart attack at his home in Barrie, Ontario, on Saturday, June 4, 2011 (new style).

Requiescat in pace! Vale, frater reverendissime.


VSO said...

Memory eternal!

Jon Marc said...

God grant him rest!