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Monday, July 11, 2022

Update on this blog

Some may have noticed that the Sunday propers are no longer posted here. That is because I came to realize that not a single priest is using them for actual services. They are simply viewed as pieces of interest and study. And it was time consuming to work on them each week. 

However, the work of readying all this for publication, in addition to divine office materials, continues unabated. The time will be better spent readying their ultimate publication in print rather than formatting everything for online reading. 

Those who need something for a Sarum service can consult the work of Dr. Renwick of McMasters University in Canada. I am assisting a bit in that project, and that extensive body of work is already available online for free in Latin and English here:

Does this work mean that the St. John Cassian Press Sarum publications are no longer necessary? It does not mean that, because the Orthodox version approved for ROCOR use reflects the more ancient traditions of the Sarum, while Dr. Renwick's project reflects the other end of the spectrum, the very latest and most Roman Catholic-influenced forms of the Sarum. Also, in the English version of the McMasters project, Protestant wording is adhered to instead of the original Sarum wording, in many parts, whereas fidelity to the Latin is held very important in the ROCOR project.  

Prayers are asked for the successful completion of this work!